At last: The Death-Ray!

It's Monday; it's raining; it's incredibly windy; my umbrella was in one piece when I left my house this morning--now it's in two; and for some reason the AC is blasting in the office. There was nothing good about today. NOTHING. Then ye old FedEx delivery man (who is a spitting image of my father) walked in and everything changed. Inside his blessed box was something we've all been waiting eagerly to grasp between our icy--literally and figuratively--fingers: Dan Clowes's The Death-Ray! Voila:

We all know Clowes is a genius, and nowhere does this show more than in The Death-Ray. The Fall 2011 hardcover features spot-varnish, and some pretty 'dope' endpapers/front matter which you'll have to wait to see yourselves. In the meantime, don't forget this stunning spread:

And here's awesome intern Jules holding a copy. She's been here for months now but for some reason she hadn't made the blog yet. (Sorry, Jules! It was an honest mistake!) The cool thing about Jules (amongst many) is that she's Irish. It's nice having an accent around the office (and it might be why she got the job). Jules: Please keep on saying crazy things I've never heard before and will never fully understand.

Back on track: The Death-Ray will hit stores this October, so don't get too excited yet. Watch this space for more details as we get closer to the release date.

And I'm off now to have a hot bath in the bathroom sink. I'm sure I'll fit.

Edit: Here's a great photo set (via the Comics Reporter) of Clowes's exhibit at Fumetto.

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