What Could Be Better Than a Lengthy Conversation Between Dan Clowes and Tom Spurgeon.

This interview is great for so many reasons but I think this Q+A was my favorite:

SPURGEON: Do you think your comics work best when you can dig in and focus on a single character like Wilson?

CLOWES: I don't know that I think it works best. It's something I like to do. I always think you can tell a lot about the way people grew up and the way they kind of feel about themselves by looking at their comics. You look at the Hernandez Brothers' comics and every panel is filled with people. Those guys grew up with a big family in a small house and they were around each other all of the time. Their view of the world is a crowded world. I grew up much more isolated. I think you look at my comics and you can see panel after panel of the back of a guy's head staring off into a city. That's kind of how I felt growing up, walking around Chicago by myself as a kid. I think having that solitary character fits into that.

From yesterday's holiday interview feature on the Comics Reporter.

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