Introducing Adrian Norvid

I've been chuckling away working on the upcoming Nogoodniks by Adrian Norvid, and though it only fair that I share a little sneak peek with everyone.

Adrian is, in general, extremely cheeky and pun-y (not to be confused with puny considering, as he likes to point out, Adrian is very tall), and this book is certainly no exception. While these pun-laden drawings were all done specifically for this book, his normal drawing practice is often monumental, with pieces as big as walls and work that often moves into three dimensions. In case you're curious, you can see a video interview with him (showing some incredible work from a few years ago) here:

Aside from all this, Adrian is a drawing professor at Concordia University here in Montreal, and I had the great pleasure of taking a class with him a few years ago. His inventive and interesting projects, consistent wit and passion for drawing made his class one of the best that I have ever taken and I feel greatly honoured that we now get to publish some of his work. Below are a few preview images from Nogoodniks, which will be out in stores in June.

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