Miss Peach

As I mentioned before, seeing the Jacky's Diary entry in Art Out of Time was pretty exciting for me. I sure do love the oddball and forgotten in just about anything. The fact that comic was ever published made me beam for days. I did a little research on Jack Mendelsohn after that and came up with the fact that he wrote and drew a Miss Peach comic (as I mentioned here.) I grew up reading Momma in the Boston Globe in the 70s and while I can't say I loved that strip, it stuck in my mind like a few other second tier strips at that time(like Broom Hilda, Tumbleweeds, Crock). I don't recall if Miss Peach ran in one of the other papers or not but I knew of its existence. I DO recall those giant apricot heads though. And I definitely recall those smart mouths. Now honestly, I didn't expect much from the Miss Peach comic but I'm happy to say that it's a solid humor comic and that the credit has to go to the great Jack Mendelsohn. Mendelsohn loves a good cliche and loves playing around with it. He's also great with snappy banter in what was by then a long time vaudeville, radio, tv tradition. These kids really are funny and in a grand comedy tradition they confound and irritate the grownups. Of course, this comic didn't last.

I love that panel where the principal is looking out the window at the tree. A great reflective moment.

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