
Surprisingly, the interior cartooning is vastly superior to the cover. The cover looks like it's to spec and the interior is actually off model and just better. When Seth saw this issue (I picked it up at Comic-con), he remarked that it looked like George Gately (he of irritating Heathcliff fame. It does look like his work a bit but my research doesn't lead to Gately working for Dell. In fact, my research turned up so little on this comic other than it ran for three issues that I shouldn't even be posting it. Possibly we are looking at the work of Bob Gustafson. The original strip was a daily that ran for years (56-80 possibly) drawn by Robert "Rupe" Baldwin who evidently set up his studio in the back of a van.

There are some decent moments in this comic although much of the capturing-childhood-moments seems forced. How you can make two kids wildly squirting hoses at each other seem forced is beyond me and yet there it is. There is a nice quality to the story in that incidents sort of flow into each other--I hesitate to say that the action escalates exactly, more like it flows along.

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