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Walking Dead "Days Gone Bye" Review

Today is Halloween and what better thing to review than a show about zombies?Thoughts: The Walking Dead is a critically acclaimed and immensely popular zombie survival series on AMC. Virtually everyone has heard about it and millions of people watch it, making it the highest rated series on cable TV. Can a series with that much hype actually live up...

In stores now: RAGE OF POSEIDON!

What's this wild thing? No, it isn't one of our brilliant Halloween costumes (we're saving those for later). This is Anders Nilsen's new Rage of Poseidon and hey guys- it's in stores now. It'll probably look a little more tame on the shelves of your local book shop, though, so here's a cover photo before I continue: Pretty good-looking on the outside...

Captain America: Winter Soldier Trailer Review

Here is my review of the  Captain America: Winter Soldier trailer. Find thing I have to say is just wow, the movie is entirely different than I was expecting. Among the Marvel Phase 2 (post-Avengers) films The Winter Soldier was the one that I was dreading most because Captain America is the most difficult character to bright to screen in a post-WWII...

X-Men: Days of Future Past Full Trailer

The X-Men: Days of Future full trailer is here and I could never be more excited for the film than I am right now. While it is not the best trailer I have ever seen, it certainly makes me excited for the upcoming film. It is probably my most anticipated film of the summer or at least tied with the Winter Soldier. As expected, the movie is apparently...

X-Men: Days of Future Past Trailer Teaser

The full trailer for X-Men: Days of Future Past is here! Click on this link to watch it. The X-Men: Days of Future Past trailer is going to be released later today! As with the Captain America trailer, Days of Future Past has a short teaser for the trailer, which I have posted above. Days of Future Past is set for a May 23 release. Since the movie...

Agents of SHIELD: Girl in the Flower Dress Review

Thoughts: Yes, I know I say this every week, but Agents of SHIELD yet again improves upon the previous episodes with the "Girl in the Flower Dress" being the best episode the series has to offer. The episode was darker, intriguing, and had excellent action scenes, if only the pilot episode started with a tone like the one in this episode, less people...

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