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Brave Review.

Thoughts: Brave, what is generally considered by many critics to be one of Pixar's worst movies not named Cars. My opinion of Pixar has been a mixed one for sure. While I am not the biggest fan of their work, a few of their movies are quite good, particularly the Incredibles and the Toy Story trilogy.Brave's first 30 minutes where surprisingly...

900th Post! And List Teaser Posters

This is my 900th post! Wow, 900 posts in lest than three years, that is a lot of blogging! Thanks everyone for reading and commenting on all of my posts. J and J Productions has really grown in popularity over the last several months with most weekday posts featuring 9+ comments, which is awesome. To celebrate, I have some teaser posters for my up...

New Avengers: Age of Ultron Trailer.

The official teaser to Avengers: Age of Ultron has been released! At Comic-Con this teaser was shown announcing the new title of the Avengers sequel. Since the film has not begun production yet, there is obviously no real footage shown, however the image of the Iron Man helmet being shaped into Ultron's head is cool. Also the sound clips...

Rookie is in stores on Tuesday! HOLLER!

This Tuesday! In stores everywhere! ROOKIE YEARBOOK TWO! And in Oak Park, at Unity Temple with our favorite bookstore The Book Table join Tavi and her fellow Chicago contributors to launch YEARBOOK T...

Gotham Commissioner Gordon TV Series

 A Gotham TV series following a young Commissioner Gordon before Batman has been green lit and will air on Fox around this time next year. Unlike most DC comics TV series other than Human Target, Gotham will not air on the CW, where Arrow and the upcoming Flash series air, therefore it is not set in the same universe. While it is...

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Pilot Review

Thoughts: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has a to live up to. It marks a landmark in television and movie collaboration being Marvel's first TV tie-in into the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe that needs to retain the quality of the films that preceded it. It also marks Joss Whedon's return to television. Does the show live...

Agents of SHIELD Full Episode!

 If you were unable to watch the premiere of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. last night, here is the episode in full from Hulu, and you do not need HuluPlus to watch it. Basically, if you have seen the Avengers, watch the show, simple as that. It is the new must watch show on network television. Except for a few subpar special effects, the...

New Thor Posters and Other Marvel News.

Finally, Agents of SHIELD premiere tonight! Will you be watching? After my review of Brave tomorrow, I  will hopefully post a review for Agents of SHIELD Thursday, and I will try and post a link to the full episode once I find it.Now for some Marvel news, New Thor: The Dark World posters of Jane and Lady Sif have been released, which are...

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog Review.

Thoughts: Since Joss Whedon's Agents of SHIELD is premiering tomorrow, it seemed like a good time to review one of Whedon's many fantastic works, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog.Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog is a internet film created by Joss Whedon (aka King of Nerds), who directed and wrote The Avengers. During the writer's...

A Tolkien Blog Party of Special Magnificence.

Today is Bilbo Baggins' birthday and Hamlette at The Edge of the Precipice is having a blog party and giveaway over on her blog to celebrate. To enter the giveaway answer the questions and then go to her blog signup for the giveaway. Below are my answers. Also if you are new to J and J Productions, please check out my other posts. I post...

Underrated Soundtrack and Posting Schedule.

It is time for another entry in my Underrated Soundtrack and Posting Schedule series! Today's featured soundtrack is Assassin's Creed 3. While the other Assassin's Creed game had great soundtracks, AC3's Revolutionary War setting influenced the more classical tone of the score. Below is the upcoming posting schedule, which is subject to change. Monday:...

Saoirse Ronan in Star Wars Ep. 7?

Saoirse Ronanis heavily rumored to be reading for the part of a lead villainess or heroine in the upcoming Star Wars Ep.7. Since Saoirse reportedly turned down the role of the Scarlett Witch in Joss Whedon's Avengers sequel, it would only be logical to think that maybe a possible role in Star Wars is the reasoning behind her discussion....

Your Pete Bagge/Margaret Sanger moment

I just wanted to share this particular sequence from Pete Bagge's Woman Rebel. I think of it as classic Pete Bagge and it's one of the moments from Margaret's life that points out why Pete is such a perfect person to do a book on this amazing woman. This conversation takes place right after Margaret makes the acquaintance of noted sexologist, Havelock...

Agent Carter TV Series and Agents of SHIELD.

Breaking Marvel news, an Agent Peggy Carter TV series is rumored to be in development. The current rumor is that Hayley Atwell might be returning to reprising her role for a television series that will obviously air on ABC. The recent positive reaction to the Agent Carter Marvel One-Shot short film, which is included on the Iron Man...

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time Review.

Thoughts: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time is an anime adaption of the 1967 novel of the same name. The Girl Who Leapt Through Time is a film that I happened to come across on several "Best Anime Movies" lists, and then I found it on YouTube and decided to give it a shot not knowing much about the film beyond the obvious time-travel element...

Jack the Giant Slayer Review.

Thoughts: Jack the Giant Slayer is a retelling of the classic "Jack and the Beanstalk" story, except on an epic scale. There is not a lot to say about Jack the Giant Slayer, it was fun, entertaining, and an all around solid adventure movie, but there is nothing particularly special or original about the story except that it was told well enough...

Out of all the things that happened at SPX, this is the best thing

Complete and thrilling SPX blog post to come tomorrow, but in the meantime, here's something absolutely incredible that happened: MARGARET SANGER'S GRANDDAUGHTER CAME BY THE BOOTH! That's right. Nancy Sanger read about Peter Bagge's new book, Woman Rebel: The Margaret Sanger Story, on Sunday morning and immediately rushed to the convention centre...

Top 10 Actresses: Part 2: 5-1.

Here is the second and finale part of my Top 10 favorite actresses list.  At Number 5: Natalie PortmanNatalie Portman has been one of my favorite actresses for about as long as I can remember. Even though her performance in the Star Wars Prequels could have been better, she is one of those actresses that I just enjoy watching in almost any...

ASPHALT WATCHES takes Best Canadian First Feature Film Award at TIFF 2013

This is a delightful surprise! A couple of years ago we published the very funny and very odd Stooge Pile by the very very funny and very very odd Seth Scriver (oh, he's not that odd). It's an amazing book and part of what's so great about it, amongst other things, is how it describes a certain type of Canadian character--let's call him the Hoser....

Star Wars Origin Films: Han Solo, Yoda, and Boba Fett.

According to reports, the standalone Star Wars films that are set to be released between each of the main trilogy will be Origin movies featuring characters from the Star Wars universe and their origin stories. Some of the possibilities that have been thrown around for the origin films are Han Solo, Yoda, and Boba Fett. Why is Disney doing this!? I...

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