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Trivia Questons and Answers.

Trivia is back with some more questions.  What is the specific species of Hobbit that Sméagol and Déagol are in the Lord of the Rings?Name the movie that this quote is from:"I am a leaf on the wind - watch how I soar"Character 1: You can have a nice pile of bananas! Character 2: Oh, I see, because I'm a monkey I must love bananas!...

Liebster Award Again.

Click here for today's main post, Trivia Questons and Answers. Thanks Edessa and Solace for tagging me. Since I have received this award many times and therefore I will just answer the questions I was tagged with and not tag anyone else.Here are the questions by Edessa at HoloNet Entertainment Daily1. If you could go anywhere in the world for...

My Friend's "Lend Your Name Giveaway".

 I will keep this brief, my (in real life) best friend, Rebecca at Just me..., is having a "Lend Your Name Giveaway" Basically, you comment with your what character traits you want your character in her story to be like. Click here to check out her post with all the details.  &nb...

Name that Soundtrack.

Thanks everyone for voting yesterday on my Reader's Choice post. From your votes, my Firefly multipart review, Doctor Who Episode Review Man of Steel Villains, and Alien Franchise review. After a long hiatus, Name that Soundtrack is back!  Above the film soundtrack.  Above is the TV Tune, can you name it?  Movie...

Reader's Choice.

Reader's Choice is back and it is time for you to vote for what you want me to post from the choices below.  Firefly/Serenity Review (multipart)Man of Steel Sequel Villains (2 parts)Doctor Who: Blink ReviewDoctor Who: the Girl in the Fireplace ReviewAlien Franchise ReviewStanger than Fiction ReviewThe Good, the Bad and the Ugly ReviewThe Big Sleep...

Top 100 Movies: Part 11: 5-1.

Over 100 movies and 11 posts later, here is the final part of my Top 100 Favorite Movies ever made!At Number 5: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring/Extended EditionThe Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, the Star Wars of my generation. Does it even require an explanation as to why I love the movie? Even though...

Comments: Embedded or Popout: You Decide.

Since I have not changed my blog layout in a while I figured I would try something new and see what everyone thinks. I want you to vote between the embedded comment box, which I have changed to now, and the popout comment box. Because this blog main goal is entertaining you, the reader, I want to know your opinion on this subject. Below are some pros...

The Lego Movie Trailer Review.

 The Lego Movie, a real theatrically released movie about Legos and here is the awesome trailer and Batman is in it! This trailer has a very strong Wreck-It Ralph vibe with all the Lego references. Lego  were my favorite toy when I was a kid and I had a gigantic collection of many of the vintage Legos and anything Star Wars related...

Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (guest post by Jamie)

Here is another guest by my good friend Jamie. Hey, It's Jamie again! Today I'm going to be reviewing Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, the horror/musical adapted to the screen by Tim Burton and starring Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter, along with Alan Rickman. There are several reasons why I wanted to review this...

Most Accurate Meme Ever: Firefly Addiction.

Over the past month I have been binge watching Joss Whedon's Firefly and I have to say: the show is pure awesomeness and so was the film Serenity! I am now a Browncoat and a big fan of everything about Firefly. Are there any other fans of Firefly reading right now? Hopefully there are and even if not, I have a five part review/discussion...

Downey Jr Back for Avengers 2 and 3!

  Awesome news Avengers fan, everyone's favorite billionaire, playboy, philanthropist will be back for the Avengers 2 and 3! After some contract dispute, Robert Downey Jr. finally signed on for two more Avengers films. An Iron Man 4 is not in the contract, which is probably a good thing, since the trilogy ended on...

LOTR: Two Towers: Book Vs Film: Part 5.

Here is the final part of the Lord of the Rings: the Two Towers Book Vs. Film. After I finish the Return of the King I will try and write a similar type post.     Arguably one of Peter Jackson’s most controversial changes from the book to the film is the scene where Frodo commands Sam to leave his company and return...

Watchmen (2009) Review.

Note: Since this review was written before I watched Man of Steel, it may refer to it in the future tense. Also please check back tomorrow for Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Book Vs Film.Thoughts: Watchmen, directed by Zack Sndyer and based on Alan Moore's legendary graphic novel of the same name. Watchmen is often considered to be one of,...

Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Trailer Review.

 Note: For some reason this was posted twice, must be some kind of glitch.Before I start the trailer review, sorry everyone for not commenting, replying to e-mails, or posting yesterday, I had unexpected medical problems so I was in the hospital yesterday making sure I did not have to have my appendix removed. Fortunately it was nothing majorly...

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