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Top 25 Batman Movie Moments Part 3: 7-1.

If you have not seen Part 1 or Part 2 please click on the links and comment.At Number 7: Good Cop, Bat Cop"The good cop, bad cop routine?", "Not exactly". Another one of Ledger's many great scenes. It is hard to describe it, but this just works so well.At Number 6: I'm BatmanAlthough the action in this scene was not framed very well, the menacing "I'm...

Top 25 Batman Movie Moments Part 2: 16-8.

Here is Part 2 of the Top 25 Batman Movie Moments.At Number 16: Train Fight"I won't kill you. But I don't have to save you." Although the camera work during the fight was done poorly, this was an epic end to Ra's al Ghul.At Number 15: Batman vs. The JokerThe surprisingly brutal and violent fight between Batman and The Joker at the end of Mask of the...

Epic Film Score and More Sunday.

Today on Epic Film Score and More Sunday is one of the most underrated Film Scores in history, Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (Click here for my review).One of the most haunting and epic scores ever composed. Which one was your favorite? Please comment below.If you want to contact us or have any question please send an e-mail to johns...

Trivia Saturday.

First I would like to thank everyone for commenting on my last Trivia post and today I will have two questions. Congratulations Tahl Jinn at Manchas de Tinta  for being the first person to get the answer for the question correct. Below is your award. Today I have made it slightly more difficult.Question 1: Name the movie and the...

Top 25 Batman Movie Moments Part 1: 25-18.

Because The Dark Knight Rises has recently been released in theaters, it seemed like a good time to make a Top 25 Batman Movie Moments. A moment can last any were from 1 or 2 minutes to around 10 minutes. Also because not every video that I need has been posted on YouTube, some of what I consider a "Moment" can be longer than the what the shows....

Holy Reboot Batman!

In the words of the 60s TV series Robin, "Holy Reboot Batman, does this sound like a bad idea!"I have been hearing a lot about the reboot for the last year. The idea of rebooting is crazy from a film making stand point but from a money making stand point Warner Brothers is doing just what you would expect.There is almost no direction...

New Profile Name, New Profile Picture.

Today I have officially changed my profile name to "James The Movie Reviewer" and my brother now has a new account named "Jacob The Movie Reviewer". This is still going to be our blog but I wanted to have to different account so it would not confuse readers who is commenting and writing posts. But so far I have been the only one to posting comments...

J and J Productions on Twitter.

J and J Productions is now on Twitter, I have been meaning to do this for a while and now I finally have. You can Click Here to check out my Twitter Page. If I can get enough Twitter followers, I will post some mini reviews of the movies that I have watched recently before posting the full review, since I usually watch a few movies a week. I will follow...

Superman: Man of Steel Trailer.

Everyone knows who Superman is and there is going to be a new Superman movie named "Man of Steel". The movie is being produced by Christopher Nolan, who is the director of The Dark Knight trilogy and Inception, and Man of Steel is directed my Zack Snyder. I am not a fan of Snyder's previous films Watchmen and 300, which looked good visually but were...

Epic Film Score and More Sunday.

Today's Epic Film Score and More Sunday features some of Hans Zimmer's and James Newton Howard's films scores The Dark Knight and Batman Begins. If you want to contact us or have any question please send an e-mail to johnstarslayer@gmail.c...

Trivia Saturday.

I been really wanting to start a Trivia day for a while so here it is. The rules are, that the first person to comment with the right answer wins and on Saturday the winner will be featured on that post. The subjects of the questions will vary but it is generally about movies. It could rang from name that quote to question about a character in...

The Dark Knight Rises Review Round-Up.

My regular readers should be familiar with my "Review Round-Up" were I collect various reviews from multiple movie reviewers. It seems that the movie built up so much hype that it could not be the beyond perfect movie everyone expected. The reviews are mostly positive but some were disappointed. A few have said that it was their...

The Dark Knight Review.

Thoughts: My opinion of of The Dark Knight has changed many times and I believe I have finally come to a consensus. The Dark Knight is a fantastic movie. For the record, I take back most of my negative comments about The Dark Knight in the past and I have given up on criticizing the movie. Although it will never be my favorite comic book movie,...

Batman Begins Review.

Thoughts: My opinion of the Christopher Nolan Batman movies have changed many times after my three viewing of the movie. I have liked the movie more each time I have watched it and I have finally have come to a opinion of the movie.Batman Begins obviously starts from the beginning of Batman's origin. His origin is well told and entertaining to watch....

Batman in Film.

There have been many movie adaptations of Batman throughout the years and this is a look at his many movies, be it live-action or animation. Also I will not be including the 1940s movie serials, however I will include the many direct-to-DVD/VHS/Blu-Ray movies that were released. This is in roughly chronological order. For some...

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