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Avengers Cast Interviews.

Here are interviews with the cast of The Avengers.If you want to contact us or have any question please send an e-mail to johnstarslayer@gmail.c...

The Avengers Soundtrack and More.

As suggested by JT/King Valun at The Window on the South, it probably would not be a great idea to post The Avengers soundtrack because the names of the tracks might spoiler important plot points but I have found away around that. Above I have posted the first of The Avengers soundtrack, it does not have a name could spoil the movie but if it works...

Joss Whedon Director of The Avengers.

If you do not already know, Joss Wheldon directed the soon to be released Avengers movie. Although I have not seen many of the movies or TV series that he has worked on but they are very popular like Firefly, which I have not seen many episodes. But the reason I think he is going to be great at directing it is because he writes...

Avengers Assemble Week! And New Header!

Avengers Will Assemble in One Week!But those lucky British will see it almost a week before we do! And it was pre-screened on April 11! The Avengers is the event of the Summer. Even if you have not seen the other movie connected with The Avengers you should go see The Avengers in theaters. Early reviews suggest that it is even better...

One Year Blogoversary!

One Year Blogoversary!I cannot belivie it has been one year since I started blogging. This is my 397th post and I have 48 followers!My original idea for this blog was to promote my YouTube channel but that all changed when I reviewed my first movie, Inception, a little more than a month after starting the blog. After that I had a few more followers....

Answers to Interview Questions Part 1.

I will be posting the answers in two different parts. Also tomorrow is my One Year Blogoversary! So be sure to check back here for that.1. Have you ever thought of traveling? Where would you want to visit---famous museums,nature, ect?Maybe a African Safari and Hunting trip would cool. Also a trip to the Baseball Hall of Fame would be great.2. What...

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Review.

If you have not read my review for the movie I posted yesterday please click on this link and comment War Horse Review. Also I will hopefully post some of the answers to the questions in the recent "Interview Me" post tomorrow.Note: I think that my e-mail might not be working correctly so sorry if I have not reply recently.Warning Spoilers...

War Horse Review.

Thoughts: Steven had a lot riding on War Horse. Did it live up to the hype? Definitely not. It is one of the most disappointing movies of 2011. War Horse is not by any means a bad movie, it is just a decent movie. Some critics were claiming that it was an "Emotional Journey" but you never really cared what happened to the characters. The trailer was...

You Interview Me.

Since there is not anyone to interview this week, I thought that you should ask me questions for me to answer in another post. I will most likely post the answers after all of The Avengers week and reviews are finished. You can comment or send a message to johnstarslayer@gmail.com to ask the questions.If you want to contact us or have any question please...

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Review.

Thoughts: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is considered by many to one of, if not the best of the Harry Potter series. While the Prisoner of Azkaban is a far better movie in quality compared to the previous movies and it was a much more mature movie. It was a little too dark for my tastes and the plot progression was a little slow. Also as...

The Avengers In Two Weeks! And The Avengers Film Score!

It is only two weeks until The Avengers is released in America!If you have not seen most of The Avengers movies, I suggest that you do what ever it takes to see Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Thor and Captain America: The First Avenger. Go to your local movie rental store or go to YouTube or Amazon and rent them on demand. You could even go buy the DVDs...

Lord of the Rings Trivia Quiz Answers.

1) Answer to Is Aragorn king of the Shire: True. The Shire is part of the North kingdom of Arnor as of Aragorn's coronation. Later, he makes it a Free State under his protection.2) Asnwer to Walkers' ages: Pippin: 29, Merry, 35, Sam 37, Boromir 40, Frodo 50, Aragorn 87, Gimli 140, Legolas no less than 500, Gandalf: Time has no meaning.3) Answer...

Lord of the Rings Trivia Quiz!

Today's Lord of the Rings post is going to be a trivia quiz. I am going to be turning on Comment moderation temporarily so that you can not see other bloggers answers. I usually hate having it on but it is only temporary. I will be posting the answers tomorrow or the next day.Also thanks JT/King Valun at The Window on the...

Best Lord of the Rings Video Games.

I have been a Lord of the Rings fan since I watched the movies in theaters and since then I have collected many of The Lord of the Rings video games because I consider my self a "Hardcore Gamer". Here is a list ranking them from worst to first. Although I have played The Lord of the Rings online but I am not including because I...

Interview With Alyianna at Pass Word to Middle Earth.

To continue with the Lord of the Rings week today's interview is with Alyianna at Password to Middle Earth, Alyianna's Reviews, Scribbles of a Catholic Teen and Thoughts of a Dude and a Dudess. I highly recommend checking out Password to Middle Earth for the latest news about The Lord of the Rings and all things cornering Middle...

Which Lord of the Rings Audiobook is The Best?

I have been looking a good Lord of the Rings Audiobook and I think I have found a few candidates to choose from. I want to know the opinion of The Lord of the Rings fan on which one you think is the best. I have recently become a fan of audiobooks, I think audio books add a lot to the experence of a book and makes it much more convinet...

The Return of the King Extend Edition Review.

Thoughts: The Return of the King is my favorite of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy so I was very excited to see the extended edition of The Return of the King and it did not disappoint. There were many scenes that should have been included in the original cut. The only problem with The Return of the King was the prolonged ending. There were not...

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