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Best Pull Quote In A Long Time

Here’s a theory: if you can’t find something to love about John Stanley’s "Melvin Monster", you’re probably a miserable human being that I never want to talk to ever...Stanley’s only goals are to be cute and funny and he nails them both...–Garrett Martin, Pa...


OK so admittedly Brecht's self-portrait is not much help in recognizing him at MoCCA next week or at TCAF in May. Maybe this video will help out:Brecht Evens signs a book from Tom Devlin on Vimeo.Yes, he'll be signing/painting at the D+Q and Top Shelf tables at each show! Special thanks to MoCCA, TCAF, Top Shelf and especially the Flemish Literature...

WonderCon! SF! Seth, Vanessa, Tom & Jessica!

Huh? What's this, you say? D+Q is at WonderCon this weekend with Seth as a special guest, and Vanessa Davis is signing, and there will be debut copies of Shigeru Mizuki's ONWARD TOWARDS OUR NOBLE DEATHS and Pascal Girard's REUNION? Yes, you read that right, people. D+Q will be at booth 416 next to our pals Top Shelf and Last Gasp at the Moscone Center...

Onward Towards Our Noble Deaths!!

Oh, will you look what showed up in the office this afternoon!! This will be available in shops soon. In the meantime, look for a few copies this coming weekend at WonderCon (more on WonderCon later) and as many copies as New Yorkers need at the D+Q table at MoCCA next we...

Three Reviews of A SINGLE MATCH

I have to say that I am LOVING the revamp of the comics reviews in the AV Club at the The Onion, and I'm pretty sure that the expanded section will rightly set Noel Murray as one of the country's leading thoughtful comics critics, as he has been one of my favorites for a long time. This week Murray reviews A SINGLE MATCH and deftly tackles the haunting...

Hold the phone! Jillian creates hand sewn Penguin Covers!

Oh you know you're a cartoonist when you casually up the ante on what is already a taxing choice of artistic expression -comics- with deciding rather than merely illustrating the Penguin Classics Covers, you hand sew your illustration!!!!! Don't believe me? check it out in this Atlantic article and on Jillian's blog!Gorgeous, Jillian, gorgeo...

Rock the Vote for D+Q!


Rock the Vote for D+Q!

It's that time of year again, to rock the vote D+Q in the Mirror's Best of Montreal. Best bookstore (new): Librairie D+Q!Best comics store: Librairie D+Q!Now the only one I am having a hard time with is...Best cartoonist/comic artistThis is what is so awesome about Montreal! Really, how can anyone answer this with just one answer? Joe Ollmann? Pascal...

Caption Contest

The female staff reads the freshly arrived copies of PAYING FOR IT. {Click to see what happens when they realized that they were all on pages referencing, um, oral gratification.}And, oh my god, please do not send in caption suggestions. I already know what you're going to s...

Big plans for Friday night.

It's Friday, almost Friday night. So, gentlemen, I just thought I'd tell you what every woman's ultimate date consists of:That's right, dinner and a nap. Oh what, that's just my ultimate date? Nah, I'm sure it's what everyone secretly wants.These pages come from Anders Nilsen's forthcoming 656 page book, Big Questions. Uh huh: 656 pages. Start clearing...

Holding steady in Orlando

Earlier this month I found myself in Orlando with my older son (on his March break) visiting Universal Studios. This is a pretty slick and flashy theme park, which made coming across this all the more surprising:Frank King's comic strip is used as the theme for the "set" of a gift store (and public washroom?). When you walk into the main door you're...

Pascal Girard! Joe Ollmann! Montreal! Tomorrow!

Attention Montrealers! Tomorrow night, Wednesday March 23rd at 7pm at the Librairie D+Q (211 Bernard O.), we are proud to be hosting a launch for two amazing, talented D+Q authors.If you are not familiar with Joe or Pascal's work, this is a great opportunity to get up to speed while enjoying the Librairie ambiance. Both authors will be on hand to...

The end of DAYBREAK

Hey, look what showed up in the office today! The last several pages (10-14, not sure) of Brian Ralph's DAYBREAK. Brian has added an epilogue to the three issue series from Bodega just for this edition. The pages I've seen so far do not disappoint. Coming out this summer. {Also, intern Kim is awesom...

Clara Ware's Beloved Tiny Tim

This review of Tiny Tim's new reissue of lost songs, Lost & Found in Rocktober blows my mind in so many ways. Firstly, Clara Ware delivers a thoroughly convincing and stunning tribute to her favorite singer! My favorite line from her review may be "Some of the songs on this record are rockin’ and some are jazz-rockin’ " I'm sold.Secondly, her...

Tatsumi on the NYT's Op Ed Page

Yoshihiro Tatsumi, Yuichi Yokoyama, and Tatsuro Kiuchi creae images of the Tsunami on the NY Times Op-Ed pa...

Is it too much Vanessa yet?

Of course not, THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE. Vanessa is a great interview subject. Always funny and interesting. And here you get to see her (and fiance Trevor's workspace.){From the excellent blog "From the desk of.....

"A bevy of cartoonists"

R. Sikoryak's Carousel series comes to Parsons The New School for Design. This month's edition features Gabrielle Bell, Jason Little, Matthew Thurber, and Lauren R. Weinstein. They'll be reading from their work and discussing the relationship between comics and performance.This is next Monday, March 21st at 7 pm on the second floor of 25 E. 13th St....

Vanessa all over

Vanessa has some new work out: a guest post on Jesse Reklaw's Slow Wave (featuring a badass turnip!) and a "two-minute memoir" in this month's issue of Psychology Today. She has a teaser on her site, and this panel seemed like a particular shout-out to the Montreal starving artist lifestyle.Plus! Since I can't resist fuzzy things, her contributions...

Hump Day Preview: Chester Brown Hits The Road For Paying For It.

"In PAYING FOR IT, Chester Brown not only makes a compelling case for the decriminalization of sex work but he also seems like an excellent client. Sex workers and sex worker rights advocates couldn't ask for a better ally. A must read in the canon of sensible and sensitive voices making a case against prurient ideology-based rhetoric about consensual...

Doug Wright Awards Finalists!

There are lots of exciting nominees this year for the Doug Wright Awards, including D+Qers in all three categories.For best book:Bigfoot by our own Pascal GirardChimo by David CollierLose #2 by Michael DeforgeMoving Pictures by Kathryn Immonen, Stuart ImmonenStreakers by Nick MaandagFor best emerging talent, Keith Jones is a finalist for last year's Catland Empire. And last but certainly not least, in the Pigskin Peters (non-traditional and avant-garde comics) category, two Petits Livres are up for the award: Indoor Voice by Jillian Tamaki and...

Seth reviews Katchor in the Globe and Mail

"{Katchor} performs that often promised yet rarely accomplished feat of transforming the mundane into the sublime. He conjures up otherworldly alternative realities for the banal objects of our everyday world – figuratively tossing them up into the air, then magically recombining them into new and amusing forms."–Seth, Globe & M...

New TCJ! New Seth! A Whole New Era!

So witnessing the glamorous relaunch of The Comics Journal this week made me realize that I have been in comics long enough to recall the some say glory days and some say dark ages of TCJ message boards antics (just had to explain those days to my younger coworkers) and that I have been at D+Q long enough that Seth's GNBCC is his fourth full length...

Joe Ollmann in the news! Joe Ollmann & Pascal Girard On Tour!

Yes! Quebec comics take over the world! poutine and spruce beer for everyone! Pascal & Joe will be launching REUNION and MID-LIFE, respectively, at the D+Q Store on Wednesday, March 23rd. And it doesn't end there people. They will be travelling to NYC to meet and greet at MoCCA on April 9 and 10th. Joe then goes to his hometown of the 'Hammuh...


Tom Gauld has an illo in today's NYT for yet another salvo in the "save print from the iPad" war. It's a good piece. Anyways...Tom also has a new book coming out from D+Q early next year called Goliath. It's a retelling of the David and Goliath story told from Goliath's point-of-view. Poor, dumb Goliath. He was just doing what he was told when that...

Hump Day Tease: Full page of Chester's PAYING FOR IT

"The self-aware john, a quirky and surprisingly realistic guy, is everywhere, but he's also been silent and overshadowed by his belligerent deluded brothers. PAYING FOR IT is a fascinating modern (and enjoyable) response to that anonymous Victorian sex classic My Secret Life. The characters encountered here evoke Armistead Maupin's Tales of the City....

The Last Page of Melvin...

Officially the most heartbreaking ending of all time. Poor Melvin.(Melvin Volume Three arrives in comic shops tomorro...

Congratulations to Lifetime Achievement Award recipient R.O. Blechman

Noted cartoonist, animator, illustrator, author, and all-around sweetheart R.O. Blechman took home last week the 2011 Milton Caniff Lifetime Achievement Award. Blechman has had a distinguished career spanning several mediums over the course of nearly six decades and I can think of few people more deserving of this honor. It would be a challenge to...


More Dell kids comics. I'm sure I was lead to this comic by one of the regular bloggers of old comics but I don't recall who (just did a search, it was Cartoon Snap). Ponytail (1960-1989, King Features Syndicate) was a daily strip created by Lee Holley. Holley ghosted for Hank Ketcham on Dennis the Menace Sundays which is apparent from the general...

Garfields are awesome!! {Intern Friday}

Man, it doesn't even really matter what I type here, does it? Was Vincent taking a chance showing up to work in a Garfield t-shirt? Not if he'd done his research. Surely he had. And this reminds me to share a little Garfield roundtable we had here at the D+Q offices the other day...TOM: I don't care for Garfield.CHRIS: Neither do I.JESSICA: Heathcliff.{seriously,...

A portrait of the office after one of our pizza parties...

Look out for more of Adrian Norvid's nogoodniks this Spri...

Skylight Books Dan Clowes Giveaway!

The good people at Skylight Books in Los Angeles are giving away limited edition, signed and numbered Dan Clowes prints. This here's the illustration in question:It comes on 11 x 17 archival paper with a certificate of authenticity. The draw takes place March 31st, and they have ten of these prints in total.How, you may be asking me, does one get one's...

James Sturm slideshow in Baltimore

James Sturm will be presenting a slideshow at the Homewood Campus of The John Hopkins University on Monday March 7th at 5:30 pm. The slideshow and book signing will take place in Room 101 of the Mattin Center's F Ross Jones Building.He'll be talking about "Cartooning, Internet Addiction, Religion and Starting a College," all of which topics promise...

Swamps of Derby

Keith Jones has a comic in the February issue of Vice Magazine! Click through for bowling, aviator sunglasses, helicopters, onomatopeia and mo...

Hump Day Tease! First Look At Chester's PAYING FOR IT

“Chester Brown is perhaps the most transparent, honest and relevant voice remaining in contemporary comics, and this is, to my mind, his most powerful and affecting work to date. PAYING FOR IT explores life in the world’s oldest customer-base, and does so with heart, intelligence, and a complete lack of sentiment or self-justification. Rewarding repeated...


The good man Spurgeon features the new cover to our Fall 2012 book THE DEATH-RAY on the Comics Reporter today. Gorgeo...

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