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Save the date!

on June 8th, the collaborating duo Dupuy & Berberian (of Monsieur Jean fame) together with Joseph Ghosn will be celebrating the opening of their exhibition at Ofr Galerie in Paris entitled 'Impossible', featuring their 2009 self published and printed short run (edition of 500!) venture of the same name. Yes, it is still possible for you to join...

Our "Buffy"

Sadly, no, we won't be publishing the adventures of Lorelai, Rory, Luke, Kurt, Miss Patty, and the whole lovable Stars Hollow gang. That is, unless you demand it!! But, man, how much do you want to see Dan Zettwoch's story about Luke fixing up that hou...


No, characters don't really have to be likable. You don't even have to completely understand them; we're never given any explanation, after all, as to why Wilson is who he is.All characters really have to be is human. Look at Wilson, and one can see a prize jerk, loser and anti-social misfit. But if you can't also see something of you and yours there, you're not looking hard enough -- or you're denying what you s...

News of the Day: Clowes, Obama and Apple.

I managed to get my hands on a hard copy of the Oakland Tribune and yeah, the publicist in me is pretty happy with how it turned out! More photos in the article onli...

Hark All Ye Hosers: Lo, a Book Launch

Montreal! Put away your rivalry with Toronto for the night and join us in welcoming beloved Canadian cartoonists/art guys Keith Jones and Seth Scriver in launching their new books, CATLAND EMPIRE and STOOGE PILE. Even if you aren't a comics fan, how can you say no to $2 airbrushed portraits? THERE IS NO EXCUSE TO MISS THISBook launch and portrait-drawing...

Oakland Tribune Profiles Dan Clowes! (Diesel next week!)

Reporter Jessica Yadegaren interviewed Dan for today's issue of the Oakland Tribune and starts her profile with Lonely and self-loathing, Wilson, the subject and title of Clowes' latest graphic novel, hangs around the coffee shops on Oakland's Grand Avenue, verbally sucker punching strangers with whom he instigates one-sided conversations. He is rude,...

Merci Beaucoup Montréal

This news came out right around TCAF, so I didn't get to say "YAHOO!" Readers of the Montreal Mirror voted the D+Q Librairie, 211 Bernard Ouest, Best of Montreal in two categories: #4 on the Best Bookstore (new) list and the only independent store on the list and #1 on the Best Comics Store list. Thanks Montreal! And thanks for our Librairie staff for being so aweso...

Introducing Eden

Argentinian cartoonist Pablo Holmberg's first collection of comics is a remarkable debut from a young cartoonist known in South America by his one-name nom de plume, Kioskerman. Beautifully drawn and characterized by a distinct wit and charm, Eden is a collection of 4 panel strips that all take place in a mythical land. John Porcellino says it best:...

The Greatest Graphic Novel of All Time

WHAT?!?! Ron Rege Jr is selling pages from Skibber Bee Bye over on the Comic Art Collective?!?!? Go now and own a piece of the greatest graphic novel of all time (seriously, have you reread it latel...

Big Anticipations

Blog reader, stop holding your breath: Big Questions #14, the latest chapter in Anders Nilsen's captivating saga, will be arriving in stores any day now.The new issue, Title and Deed, brings together some of the disparate story lines developed over the course of the previous thirteen issues. As characters collide and become enmeshed, their interactions...

Internet Exile, month 2

James Sturm continues to document his internet-free existence in a new column today on Slate, this time with his CCS students pitching in with comics strips on the subject. Given the fact that he won't see this (not for another couple of months, at least), I like how Katherine Roy slipped in an otherwise unflattering image of James with a comb-over...

Dan Clowes Profiled in SF Chronicle

Peter Hartlaub of the San Francisco Chronicle pens a thoughtful profile on the front page of their "Datebook" section of the local author noting that WILSON is Dan's most personal book yet. Hard to believe but I think this is the paper's first profile of Dan ever! They also reviewed the book here. Next Bay Area event is on Thursday June 3rd at Die...

A real Strand-up guy: Dan Clowes in New York

Alright, so I'm almost two weeks late in posting these photos from Dan Clowes' talk at the Strand in New York, hosted by David Hajdu, acclaimed author of The 10-Cent Plague. But so what? This blog post is just an excuse to rave about how funny and charming Clowes is, as one might have guessed after reading interviews like this, this, or this. Clowes'...

Attn Europe! Clowes, Burns & Ware in Denmark; Clowes & Ware in the UK.

Copenhagen comics fans are in for a deluxe treat, as a divine trinity of American cartoonists--Dan Clowes, Chris Ware and Charles Burns--are appearing this weekend in Copenhagen at the Copenhagen International Comics Festival. The festival also has an awards component that has nominated Ware's Jimmy Corrigan, Burns' Black Hole, Clowes' Wilson as well...

Good Cause

In the spirit of the history of natural history, help fund T. Edward Bak's expedition to the Aleutian Islands! Currently at work on his graphic novel biography Wild Man about the 18th century explorer/zoologist Georg Wilhelm Steller, the artist will be selling original drawings from the book in order to help make it come to be, and you can be of a...

Clowes Covers the New Yorker Graduation Issue!

This week's New Yorker features an astute and bleakly funny cover on graduating from college from Dan. Part of Dan's slide show for WILSON, he talks about learning the subtle language of a New Yorker cover joke. Speaking of his tour (any chance I get), 250 people who showed up on Friday at Skylight Books in LA and 300 people showed up at Powells in...

Adrian Tomine Covers Yasujiro Ozu for Criterion

In a perfect marriage of comics and film, the Criterion Collection asked Adrian to create these beautiful packages for their Yasujiro Ozu collector's DVD set of the great Japanese director, they are due out this July. The rare films, The Only Son and There Was A Father are from Ozu's early career. Ozu is one Adrian's favorite filmmakers so he was...

Seth Illos in the NYT Magazine

There's something slightly ironic about asking cartoonists to illustrate articles on economics. You may remember Jason Lutes' illos from last September's NY Times Magazine, and in yesterday's NYT Magazine, they feature these gorgeous and quite funny Seth illustrations of "High GDP Man" and "Low GDP Ma...

The Conversation: Giving Up the Web


Tonight in Toronto: Sonja Ahlers at Magic Pony!

Sonja Ahlers will be sharing her secrets tonight at Magic Pony in Toronto with both a presentation by Sonja for THE SELVES and a workshop with Sonja and Toronto artist Selena Wong, Torontoist spotlights the eve...


Hey! For those among you who didn't get a chance to make it out to TCAF last weekend, here's a little preview of wacky Canadian doodler Keith Jones' new book, CATLAND EMPIRE.The book centers largely around a group of fun-loving cats from Catland with names like "Chips Partypants" and "Pops McLapdance" who are charged with the mission of teaching the...

Clowes West Coast Tour Starts This Week! All Things WILSON Update Including NYT Bestseller List!

Let's get the big news out of the way, WILSON landed at #3 on the New York Times Graphic Novel List last week. Now that is what I call "kick ass".OK people, here's what is on schedule in the world of Dan Clowes this week. Here's my piece of advice, COME EARLY! Hundreds of fans have been lining up for each event, culminating with 400 people at Dan's...

May I Draw Your Attention to the 211 Blog.

We have a pretty big non D+Q event happening at the store tomorrow night, which we are all quite excited about in the office. Join humorist Jonathan Goldstein for a live WireTap event at the Drawn and Quarterly bookstore! Americans may know Jonathan from This American Life, and everyone should read his latest book Ladies & Gentleman The Bible!...

I went to Toronto in May and it snowed.

We are finally back in the office after an amazing TCAF. What makes this show so great? Is it the TPL Reference Library? The Beguiling? The festival staff? All of the above. The volunteers are attentive and eager to help. Chris Butcher and Peter Birkemoe are easy to find and generally not out of their minds with distraction. D+Q had a fabulous show...

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