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Heart Stolen By Stumptown

I have to admit something: I love Portland. And I heart the Stumptown Comics festival. Though April was comics month in Portland, I think it may be this wonderful all the time there. A good omen for the weekend was when I opened up the two weeklies and saw full pages of comics reviews in anticipation of the weekend. Alison Hallet of the Portland...

Attn New Hampshirites!

Fresh from his glowing New York Times review of Market Day, James Sturm hits the Granite State tomorrow to do TWO events at the Toadstool Bookshops. He will be in Keene, NH at 11 (222 West Street) and (12 Depot Street) Peterborough at 2 PM. Interestingly, the Toadstool Bookstores are close to where James did his residency at the MacDowell Colony....

Let us celebrate the trees (for it is Arbor Day.)

Arbor Day. A day to celebrate the mighty tree. Does anyone celebrate Arbor Day anymore? Maybe Earth Day has stolen all the glory. That Earth Day is too general for me. Let us celebrate the TREE!!Here's a gag page from our forthcoming Tubby book. Not so much a tree gag as it is a boy-that-Tubby-sure-is-a-pig gag.And there are more reasons to celebrate...

Farewell Kees

I was saddened to hear about the death, earlier this week, of the great Kees Kousemaker, the founder and owner of the legendary Dutch comic store/gallery Lambiek. Kees was years ahead of his time, opening a world-class comic store in 1968 at least a decade before any such thing existed. When I first visited Lambiek in 1989, I was impressed by the scope...


This Saturday May 1st, follow the smell of fresh ink to your local comic book shop for FREE COMIC BOOK DAY! This year, for the first time, Drawn & Quarterly's FREE COMIC BOOK will be available in ALL participating stores! For FREE! This year's free comic book, YOW!: A John Stanley Library Grab-Bag, features 6 stories written and (mostly) drawn...

WILSON in stores now: East Coast Tour Starts Monday!

What a week it is, all three of our North American distributors, as well as ourselves, have shipped the most anticipated book of the year to stores -- WILSON by Daniel Clowes. Today, WILSON is available everywhere in North America, at a finer store near you.As if that isn't the best news ever, Dan embarks on his tour next week. So new Clowes book...

Discovering America


Market Day gets the NYT treatment

Fresh off a successful Northwest tour stint, James Sturm returns home to this--a very nice book feature by George Gustines in the New York Times.Here's a nice Amazon interview as a chas...

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