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Welcome to the World, Pep.

Congratulations to the family of Jason Lutes on the arrival of Maximilian Pepper Warren-Lutes at 4:49am on December 26th, weighing in at a 10 lbs. 2 ...

Blechman in the New Yorker (December 1956!!)

Thumbing through an old New Yorker magazine, I came across this wonderful example of R.O. Blechman commercial illustration. Few artists manage to survive a decade in illustration, let alone successfully work with a distinctive line and distinguished wit in various commercial media for over half a century! In the same issue...

Paul is on the internet!

Check out Michel Rabagliati's new webs...

Marc Bell, TV Star

If you ever hear a sample in a rap song that says I'm kind of a small fish wish upon a star that marc bell is getting paid royalti...

Dancing Mile End

Still looking for the perfect gift? How about this Matt Forsythe print? Signed and numbered and mailed to your do...

Delightful Delicious Delisle

Here are a few photos from the Guy Delisle event last night at the Drawn & Quarterly bookstore. Guy's talk packed the house; having arrived late, I ended up squashed against the window display at the very front of the store while people continued to squeeze in throughout the lecture! Despite the big crowd, Guy's conversational speaking style and...

Happy Hanukkah!

In honour of the holiday season and "complicated consumer impulses" here is a strip by Vanessa Davis for you to enjoy. Also, a possible addition to your wish-list: pants with your name on th...

Guy Delisle In Town! This Thursday!

Guy Delisle of Pyongyang, Shenzhen and Burma fame will be in town this week for an event at the D+Q Librairie, his first! Yipp...

This weekend! Rusty Plum Craft Fair!

So I know I'm a Mom when I find myself:1) working the local craft fair instead of the cool comic fest 2) bring my kids along with me to the craft fair and 3) get very excited when we sell a bunch of copies of our Moomin books, as well as lots of copies of other kid friendly comics like Ojingogo. Last weekend Drawn and Quarterly was at, and this weekend...

Big FCBD news in the office! Congrats to us!

So, we're really excited to announce that our Free Comic Book Day 2010 issue, YOW!!: THE JOHN STANLEY LIBRARY has been selected by Diamond as a gold level comic for the "holiday" of May 1, 2010. This means, it will be available at every store that participates in FCBD. (So no more slew of emails to the office asking for a copy because someone's store...

Interns ARE awesome! #7635 in a series

Meet Kiarra, D & Q production intern and new friend. Hailing from Canada's exotic prairies, Kiarra draws and animates when she's not busy reading Thirteen "Going on Eighteen", the latest book in D & Q's ongoing John Stanley Library series! Satisfyingly thick and supplemented with an introductory essay by none other than series designer Seth,...

On the shelves, in your arms

I'm sure you've all taken notice of the Masterpiece Comics deficit in recent times. No longer is it so! The third printing has arrived in stores and online!...

Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Fest!

This past weekend was the inaugural Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Festival in Williamsburg, hosted by Gabe Fowler of Desert Island and Dan Nadel of Picturebox.This photo gives you an idea of the space, which was a church basement. The feel of the show was really comfortable and nice, very similar to Montreal's ExpoZine, but with a big representation...

More Rabagliati civic pride

Montrealers: keep your eyes peeled for Michel Rabagliati artwork gracing construction site walls and bistro bathrooms all over town on posters announcing local band Mes Aieux's CD launch. Like a scene straight out of Paul in the Metro (a Rabagliati short story featured in D & Q's 2005 Free Comic Book Day comic), the poster and CD cover pictured...


Oh, and I might as well add this (supervising director: Gene Deitch--comics, comics comic...

R.O. Blechmania

Steven Heller, SVA prof and ex NY Times art director loves R.O. Blechman! A scholar when it comes to artists' christmas cards, Blechman is one of his four noted favourites. Just take a look at this iconic 1966 CBS animation, pure cheer. Catch up with R.O. Blechman this weekend at The Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Festival on Saturday and The Ancram...

Holiday Sale & Shipping! Holy Smokes!

It's that time of year folks when you can save on books and still get them the cheapest method possible and in time for the holidays! But only if you act now! {Best Crazy Eddie Voice} So here's the sale, buy three items, any items, on our website and get 30% off!So for all US orders, deadlines for the following shipping methods:USPS Media Mail -...

Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Fest

Come visit D+Q this weekend at the Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Fest! We'll be at booth 1+2! The festival is going to be FULL of amazing cartoonists and it's totally free! So come on down! Signing books for D+Q will be Gabrielle Bell, R.O. Blechman, Charles Burns, Ron Rege, R. Sikoryak and Adrian Tomine. You can check out the exact signing and programming...

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