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Amy Lockhart

I know I already mentioned that tonight is Montreal launch for Amy Lockhart's DIRTY DISHES, but let me introduce you to the book! It's our latest addition to our "Petits Livres" series and features a collection of Amy's comics, paintings and sculptural works, which are strange, kind of grotesque and totally captivating. All of Amy's work appears to...

Hear ye, Montreal! Hot Potatoe! Dirty Dishes!

Check out this week's edition of THE MONTREAL MIRROR for this sweet Marc Bell cover and interview by Rupert Bottenberg. Ever wonder where all those waffles come from? Now is your chance to find out!WHILE YOU'RE AT IT, why not swing on down to 211 Bernard tomorrow night for the Montreal launch of Marc's HOT POTATOE and Amy Lockhart's DIRTY DISHES? Welcome...

Design mart

Go pick up a copy of the Ojingogo reprint and say hello to Matt Forsythe this weekend at Smart Design Mart. 5333 Casgra...

Couple of John P. videos

John P.'s Map of My Heart tour may be over for now but there are some great momentos like this and this other video snippets from his date at Wax Trax.{Thanks to Karl Dotter for his great Flickr se...

Blechman Illo!

R.O. Blechman's illustration in yesterday's NY Times Book Review reminded me that I am very late in linking to Spurge's astute review of Talking Lines but am ahead of schedule in letting you know that D+Q will be at the Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Festival with many of our artists, Blechman, being one of them. He will also be on a panel with Kim Deitch...

Hot Potatoe fan art

From an art exchange at Expozine, this young man (8?) named Léon Auché understands Marc Bell. Take that Alexa Kitchen and Lucy Knisely.{Apologies, I'm told that Lucy Knisely is apparently a grown woma...

Many people have been here before but you should still go

I'm not the first person to point people towards Eddie Campbell's blog but it's good enough that it deserves frequent repeat pointing-towardses (?!) He writes often and casually and even when I'm not in agreement over some theory or other, his writing is probably as close as a well-read professorial lecture on comics as you'll find online.I've been meaning to link to this quick rumination on Exit Wounds for a while. As usual, Eddie is paying attention to things many of us are n...

For Canucks Only: Marc and Amy's Hoser Tour, Eh.

Y'know, take off fans, Amy Lockhart and Marc Bell are traveling as far as ever a puffin flew, eh. They hit the 401 this week and travel down to Trawna, and then to Sweet L. O., and back to Mun-treal. Friday, November 20th | MAGIC PONY GALLEY | Toronto | 7 PMWednesday, November 25th | FOREST CITY GALLERY | London | 9 PM | Blackshire PubFriday, November...

No, we don't have a Steig book planned...

it's just that these Punch and Judy drawings killed me. Also, what a great artist-at-his-desk portrait above. {Also, he's a left...

Ojingogo returns!

If you've missed it the first time around, Matthew Forsythe's great graphic novel debut, Ojingogo, is now back in print, complete with a new design. After being originally serialized on Matthew's blog, it was published in book form about a year ago and was met with widespread acclaim, winning a Doug Wright Award and being selected as a Book of the...

Hellllllooooo Montreal!

We are going to be at ExpoZine this weekend, sitting next to Amy Lockhart, Julie Doucet and Marc Bell whose brand new HOT POTATOE we'll be selling (Julie and Marc will be selling prints and Amy will be selling painted cut-outs). There will be lots of other D+Q pals there, too, like Bodega Distribution, La Pastheque, Zach Worton, Chuck Forsman...ALSO,...

Fancy more Nancy?

Here's a peek at Seth's cover design for Nancy Volume 2, forthcoming from our John Stanley Library collection in summer 2010!I really like Seth's toonish "big head" take on everyone's favorite malleable mallet-head. Composed of basic shapes tied together with a bow, Ernie Bushmiller's Nancy was designed with such economy and balance that her component...

Masterpiece Comics Takes Miami!

Attention Florida! As you may know the Miami Book Fair is taking place right now! And they have a whole slate of graphic novel programming. On Saturday the 14th at 5:00 PM, R. Sikoryak will be doing his last official Masterpiece Comics event for his tour! Slide show and all.Earlier in the day, Saturday at 2:00 PM, Bob will be teaming up with James...

Powerpoints are forever

If you happened to miss the joint presentation given by R. Sikoryak and R.O. Blechman at New York's Strand Bookstore then you should take a look at this. Please note - the majority of "related videos" are inaccurately represented as such, most significantly, perhaps, in the case of the la...

Hen-reeee! Hen-ree Al-driiiiiiich!

(Click on the page above to read the rest of the comic.) Blog readers over the age of 60 may remember the (apparently) famous shout-out that kicked off every episode of what was once among the most popular radio shows in America. The Aldrich Family, which aired on the radio from 1939 to 1953, spawned eleven movies (two of which starred an awkward-looking,...

Introducing Imiri Sakabashira.

Tom is putting the finishing touches on a new graphic novel called The Box Man. Every time someone in the office reads it, they look a bit disheveled and startled--in a good way of course.Some time in the past few weeks, Tom and I came across this little VICE Magazine promotional book for Where the Wild Things Are featuring Ron Rege, Vanessa Davis...

Vanessa Davis on Crumb

No "player hating" here, Vanessa Davis' latest strip for Tablet is wonderfully refreshing and hone...

Thank you, San Diego Comic Con!

I think that the only memory that I brought back/shared from Comic Con was the haunting image of a sexy Pikachu burned into my brain (actually, several sexy Pikachus). I guess I told my friend Lucie about this, and she decided to bless Vancouver with this "costume" for Halloween. (Also featured, Adam as Ash Ketchum)YOU ARE WELCOME, WOR...

Famous Fictional Villains!

Check out this art show at Mad Art Gallery, featuring our beloved villains Dan Zettwoch and Kevin Huizenga. It opens tomorrow, November 6th, from 7–11...

Seth design secret revealed!

An astute comics aficionado spotted this little known design inspiration for our second John Stanley Library volume. Thank you, David Ki...

Yes! Tonight! Seth in Montreal!

It is so fun when the artists are in to...

This One Goes Out To Sarah & Evan!

And, yes, this kid photo is comic book relat...

My Kind of Comics Year

Both Amazon and Publishers Weekly have released their top ten Best of 2009 lists, and I'm happy to say that D+Q made quite a showing. Tatsumi's A Drifting Life deservedly makes both the Publishers Weekly and Amazon lists, and joining him on the Amazon list is R. Sikoryak's Masterpiece Comics and Seth's George Sprott. Now that's my kind of list! (says the publicist, I know, I know but stil...

Welcome to the world, Nora Emiko Tomine!

I see some good costumes in Nora's future. Congratulations to Adrian Tomine and Sarah Brennan on the birth of their daughter, Nora Emiko Tomine, October 31st, 2009, 1:40 AM, 8 lbs, 9 ozs. So sweet, and another reason for me to post baby photos on the bl...

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