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Post Comic-Con Photo Essay

Ladies and gents, Elliot and Charles Oliveros! Chris and the whole Oliveros/Lesenko clan stopped by on preview night to have a look around. I assume that the footwear on their versions of Venom and Spiderman is non-canonical.R. Sikoryak in the flesh, signing his hilarious and very popular Comic-Con debut, Masterpiece Comics.Featured guest Seth makes...

Just Another Comic-Con Crowd Shot...


Lynda's Reaction to Winning an Eisner


A Little Bit More About Wilson

Still in shock over the news of a brand new Dan Clowes book?! Don't, worry, so am I! But in case you missed this preview of it on the New Yorker Book Bench in May, be sure to check it out.This is also a chance to talk about Dan's wonderful New Yorker covers! Tom and I have the double cover from 2008 framed (middle) and Georgy calls it "the boy and...

Attn. San Diego! New ish of Big Questions!

I believe I mentioned Big Questions #12 is debuting this weekend. If not, it is! Here's the cover and interi...

D+Q to publish the original graphic novel WILSON by Dan Clowes in May 2010

As announced on the Comics Reporter today, D+Q is extremely excited to announce the following....please excuse the formality!Drawn & Quarterly has acquired world rights to the original graphic novel, WILSON, by award-winning cartoonist, Oscar-nominated screenwriter and New Yorker illustrator Daniel Clowes. WILSON is the author's first novel not...

SDCC setup

You won't likely see regular posts from me during the show but I have a few hours to kill before the show starts.I giant Michael Cho advertisement in the Chicago airport was a nice surprise. We'll be publishing a book of his Toronto back alley drawings in the near future.Chris and I got in early and setup yesterday. Then he set off to hang with his...

This week! The 40th Anniversary of San Diego Comic-con!

Yes, this is it, folks, the busiest, most hectic week of the year, when half of the office goes to San Diego to answer questions of where is the next Walt & Skeezix, the new Peepshow, why doesn't Julie do comics anymore, why do we flip our manga, and why aren't we speaking to you in french. Ask away! The Chief will even be there! We will be in...



What will I be doing while in San Diego next week?

Apparently not swimming!!So, the big comic book convention is next week. We will be there--from the office, it'll be Chris Oliveros, myself (Tom Devlin), Jessica Campbell, and Alison Naturale. So, no, Peggy will not be there so stop asking!! Okay?!More importantly, D+Q cartoonists Seth, Jason Lutes, and R. Sikoryak will be attendance. Also, quite possibly Sammy Harkham and Ron Rege, Jr. {More details to come, this was just an excuse to publish a giant squid article.}Thursday, July 2312:00-1:00 Bongo Comics Sneak Peak featuring Sammy Harkham (Room...


Okay, I'm pretty psyched that we were able to pull off a vinyl cover for R. O. Blechman's new book Talking Lines. Design geek stuff aside, it's a great book--a kind of career overview "best of." We truly live in a "L'Age D'Or" {Hello, Quebec...

NANCY!!! (in the office)

Sadly, we will not have copies at Comic-Con. Why did I even mention th...

The Real Pushman (men)

Tatsumi wasn't kiddin...

Vanessa Ruth Davis talks and talks

"You will also never hear me talking about how I have to do art to like, stay sane!"Get to know Vanessa Davis better he...

Your chocolate is in my peanut butter!

Coming soon to 211...

Entertainment Weekly Reviews George Sprott

Sean Howe reviews Seth's George Sprott, gives it an "A" -- complete review he...

We love Neko Case!

Check out this fantastic video Julie Morstad did for Neko Case, for whom Julie also did the cover to Fox Confessor Brings the Flood. Also, another D+Q "connection" to Neko? The fabulous Miss Betty Bong, the gateway to all things Lynda Barry, is a back-up singer for Ne...

Vacation from Vocation (what i need!!!)

A chuckle for you as you head out the door for the weekend, a new strip from Vanessa Davis for Tablet Magazi...

George Sprott is one of Amazon's "Hidden Gems/Best of 2009"

I know what you are thinking, you are a bit out of sorts, it's been two weeks since your last Seth interview! Well, here you go, just in time for the weekend and to gear up for Seth's special guest appearance at Comic-con International in two weeks. Amazon's Omnivoracious blog interviews Seth for their Graphic Novel Friday and announces the book made...

You'll Be Missed, Pages.

Yesterday, we received the unfortunate news of the shuttering of Toronto retailing institution Pages, home of the stellar This Is Not A Reading Series. Always, intelligent and supportive, we will definitely miss Pages, another literary victim of rising rents.Soapbox: People! Support your independent book and comic stores, they are vital, colorful institutions...

Toy a day

By now we all know that if there's something Moomin, I will post it. This is a pretty neat project. Lots of oddball choices for toys make this site worth checking in on from time to time. Need a last minute project for your kids on a rainy d...

How awesome are the interns, you ask? Most awesome.

Oh, Jose. Jose Luis Olivares. Our first CCS summer intern this year. Last name eerily close to The Chief's but we moved past it. As an intern, we rate him most excellent. Summer interning is a tough job because there's too much sandals- and shorts-wearing for one. Also, we don't always turn on the air-conditioning because Montreal electricity was designed...

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