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Chubby Ballerina

Yes, I have resorted to snagging images off of people's Facebook profiles for blog content. It has come down to that. But let's not get hung up on my methods, all right? Let's just gaze at the sweetest chubby ballerina. So much hope and confidence in those eyes. Would you reada comic about the chubby ballerina? Why so would I! Vanessa Davis, get on...

Where in the world is Guy Delisle?

Since September, Guy Delisle and his family have been in Jerusalem, as this is where his wife is stationed with MSF (Doctors without Borders). He has been keeping a blog, semifrequently in fact, including a detailed entry from January 20th on how MSW tried to enter into Gaza. You do have to be able to read french, though...

Dan Zettwoch (Favorite Self-portrait of the moment.)

I don't think it's a secret that one of my favorite cartoonist's blogs belongs to Dan Zettwoch. It's filled with tons of behind the scenes work--things you would normally never see unless you hang out with Dan--like his illustration work or birth announcements or whatever. And he often breaks down his process. This seems like a good time since I'm...

Congrats Lynda!

WHAT IT IS made the 2009 Best Books For Young Adults list at the Mid-Winter ALA meeti...

Socks are being fed-exed to you right now!!

I'm not sure how I missed this series but this Gabrielle-Bell-as-Street-Urchin photo kind of cracked me up. Tons of other great photos here.{Photo by Seth Kushne...

Adrian Covers the New Yorker (Gentle Events Reminder)

I love Adrian's New Yorker this week, as when I used to live in Brooklyn, I lived right around the corner from the garage for all of the ice cream trucks, which isn't as loud as you may think.Attention to all of our European readers! Adrian is in Angouleme this week with Dan Clowes and Chris Ware and then "jets" over to London for an event on Tuesday,...


Pascal is doing much better on his New Year's Resolutions than I ...

Pascal! Pascal!

So at our launch at the 211 Librairie on Tuesday, we learned some very interesting facts about Pascal Girard. Nicolas was his first attempt at drawing comics (!) and not only does Pascal read in the tub but he draws in the tub!Pascal bought the new Kramers Ergot...here's the pro...

Adrian in London!!!! Yes! Et France! Oui!

Adrian will be at the ICA for Comica on February 3rd at 7:00 PM. Special thanks to Paul Gravett.European comic fans should also take note that the week before, Adrian will be in Angouleme for his French publisher Delcourt who published Shortcomings and is an official selection for the festival. Adrian will also be at the Buenaventura Booth with Chris...

The noises in his head!

Hey, Ron Rege Jr, fans!! Ron has recorded (four-tracked??) a new swirling (heh) noise cassette and done a handful of drawings to go with it. These babies are limited so act fast! Also, keep you eyes peeled for a new comic book and poster set sometime this ye...

Pascal! Pascal! Pascal!

Hey Montrealers! We're having a launch for Pascal Girard's Nicolas next Tuesday at the D+Q Librairie!Pascal will present a slide show.Getting emails from Pascal is an instant pick-me-up as he always attaches a p...

Rock The Vote: Best Manga 2008

OK, Tatsumi and Hayashi fans, time to cast your vote for the best manga of 2008 on the page about.com:manga, where both Good Bye and Red Colored Elegy are nominated...voting closes January 25th! They're both mavericks! Neither is like putting lipstick on a pig!* Vote, vote, vote. Many thanks to our manga guide Deb Aoki, who has impeccable taste!*Groan. Apologi...

Moomin Needs a Publicist!

Just reading the upcoming strips from Book Four, out this Spring, and this one gave me a chuckle....

Stranger in a Strange Land

Check out Vanessa Davis' latest comic on Nextbook, which is about leaving NYC for Santa Barbara. As with all of her comics, it's both beautiful to look at and hilarious. She also has a few others on the site that I would totally recommend readi...

Those Wacky Kids

La la la la la, what happens when Amy Lockhart throws a birthday party for Marc Bell? Well, total smurfiness ensues, naturally. Look for Marc's Hot Potatoe monograph from D+Q in Fall 2009. Brown shoes, Marc, come on!...

Michel Rabagliati is an awesome cartoonist...

and people are saying so on their best of 2008 lists: the PW Comics Critics Poll, Joe Matt at Daily Crosshatch, Rob Clough at High Low, Jef Kao at Jeff Underscore Kao, Michael Lorah at Newsarama, Chris Mautner at Panels and Pixels, Wim Lockefeer at Forbidden Planet, Scott Cederlund at the Wednesday 's Haul, Neal Wyatt at Library Journal, and Tucker...

Enough Already!

OK OK Just one more Lynda interview, I promise! How can I NOT post the following:Lynda on Matt at Evergreen in 1976: "You poor, square fellow, going off with your sad-ass friends to play some sad-ass bridge." But seriously, this interview by Mailread Case in Ed Park's email subscription The New York Ghost is great. Who knew Lynda quilts, crochets and needlepoints (though it actually is no surprise) AND is addicted to reality TV AND would secretly like to be a cake decorator?Email newyorkghostATgmailDOTcom. to get a co...

You Follow That Dream

I tried posting this all last week..darn blogger!Have some down time? Here are two Lynda Barry podcasts to help start your year. The first is an interview with the CBC's Q radio, and the next is a hysterical, landmark conversation she has with Alison Bechdel on Live Wire, taped at November's WordStock Festival in Portla...

Illo Alert!

As evident on the cover to Sunday's New York Times Magazine, the article has a wide variety of illustrations to accompany it, including these two from Seth and Adrian. A nice way to lighten up a heavy top...

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