Who's the New Doctor? My Picks: Part 1.

It was revealed last week that there will be a new Doctor after the Christmas Special later this year. With this deeply saddening news, I have a list of actors who could replace Smith as the Doctor, including some unlikely choices. It will be difficult to Matt Smith since he is my favorite Doctor (Tennant a close 2nd), although that is what I thought when Tennant left the show. Since becoming the Doctor, the series has grown immensely in popularity, which is at least partially due to wacky and fun portrayal of the character. This is part 1 of 2 where I will talk about possible actors for the new Doctor. These actors are ones that I think should and others that could, but should not. There are a few qualities that I believe the Doctor should have:
1: He must be British (or at least Irish or Australian).
2: Around 40 years of age. He needs to be able to run, a lot.
3: He's an alien and therefore must be bonkers to some degree. Even Tennant was crazy and fun during his most serious episodes.

To rate the likelihood of said actor actually becoming the Doctor I have developed a system.
No way in Trenzalore! = Highly unlikely.
Once every Who moon = Neither likely nor impossible.
I cannot think of a Doctor Who pun that I can use for "A good chance". Anyone have any ideas?

This post is part of Jack's blog giveaway party thing and all I am suppose to do is write about any character. For the post I chosen The Doctor and who should play the next Doctor.

Tom Hiddleston
Before Hiddleston hit it big in the role of Thor, he acted predominately on television and therefore not entirely too big for the role. Tom is my first choice for the role because he is a brilliant actor and I believe he would make an excellent Doctor. He has the wit and charisma to play the part and with the popularity of Doctor Who; the role is so much more appealing to big-time stars than it was when Smith was cast. Hiddleston can definitely give the Doctor a dark side, yet remain likeable and relatable. Plus it would give the series an even higher viewership with the massive Hiddleston "Fan-girl" army that will inevitably flock to watch the series.
Chances: Once every Who moon.

Benedict Cumberbatch
The same actor playing both the Doctor and Sherlock! Could the universe contain such awesomeness!? As fantastic as Cumberbatch is as Sherlock, he is a little too solemn in every role that I have seen him in to play the Doctor. However, a Doctor Who/Sherlock crossover would be freaking amazing! Cumberbatch would be better cast as the Master.
Chances: No way in Trenzalore!

David Tennant
No, I am not crazy, there is an insanely small chance that Tennant could come back to play the Doctor. Since he is in the 50th Anniversary, there is a ever so slim chance he could make a comeback. If Steven Moffat wanted him back, I am sure he could come up with a "wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey" solution. Even though there might be some fan outrage, if they brought him back in a legitimate way I would not mind having him back. He is the majority of fans' favorite, so why not?
Chances: No way in Trenzalore!
Idris Elba
Among the rumored actors to possibly be playing the Doctor, Elba is said to be near the top. He is a fantastic actor, don't get me wrong, but he does not have the right personally for the Doctor. From what I have seen (Thor, Ghost Rider, Prometheus), Elba is far too stoic for the role.  Nothing about him really makes me think of the Doctor. Although, everyone likes him on the series "Luther", which I have not seen.
Chances: Not bad.

Unknown Actor
Both Smith and Tennant were relatively unknown when cast in the timeless role. It would seem smart to cast an unknown so that his previous work does not overshadow his new role as the Doctor. Unless Hiddleston or Tennant are cast, it would be much preferred that an unknown actor. In general they tend to work the best.
Chances: Very, very likely.


Some have speculated that John Hurt could become the next Doctor since he was revealed to be a incarnation of the Doctor. Although, it would seem more likely that he is a one off  character for the 50th Anniversary.
*End Spoilers*

This is a list of possible actors that could play the Doctor and in my next part of this post I will give my thoughts on them. What actors can you see playing the Doctor? Please comment with your ideas and I will add my thoughts about your choices in the next post. Also are you adverse to Tennant coming back?

Martin Freeman
David Morrissey
Cillian Murphy
Daniel Radcliffe
Ben Kingsley
Ewan McGregor
Rhys Ifans
Tom Hardy
Rupert Grint
James McAvoy 
Michael Fassbender
Simon Pegg
Billie Piper
Ben Whishaw

What are your thoughts? Are there any actors that you would want to see in the role?

Also thanks to Jack at However Improbable for creating this "blog party, tag thing" to enter her drawing.

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to johnstarslayer@gmail.com.

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