600th Post! And Posting Schedule.

This is my 600th post! Wow, I have even surprised myself with the number posts I have managed to write this past year and a half. With all the buzz about the Hobbit, December has been a surprisingly active week on blogger, opposed last year where there were very few comments or blogging in general. Thank you all 75 awesome followers for your comments, which keeps me writing blog posts. Hopefully I can post another 600 posts in the coming years. I have noticed an odd glitch; in the Blogger Dashboard the picture in the preview of my recent posts have been my signature even though I have posted a picture of something else. What have you seen appear on your dashboard of my posts? Also I am going to see the Hobbit later today in IMAX 3D, not 48 FPS, and the review should be out by tomorrow morning. Here is the schedule for the coming days.

Wednesday: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Review
Thursday: New Header and JT's Middle Earth Trivia Answers
Friday: Name That Soundtrack
Saturday: Trivia
Sunday: Christmas Music
Monday: Funny Christmas Pictures
Tuesday: Merry Christmas!
Note: The following is subject to change.

If you want to contact us or have any question please send an e-mail to johnstarslayer@gmail.com.

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