Princesses & Prostitutes

Oh I know, all I talk about lately is Chester, Chester, Chester. But what about my authors who do believe in romantic love? Here we are one day before one of the biggest events in the western hemisphere. The royal wedding! While I can't think of any North American comparison (sorry, Chelsea), across the ocean, Adrian Tomine's British publisher is tickled pink (or perhaps the tiffany blue of the cover) over the timing of Adrian's latest book. The Guardian UK even excerpted this month as part of their month long wedding coverage, featured in Design Week and more.

Here they interview Adrian for the Faber blog where he lets out this AWESOME gem: "I’m pretty sure I’ve never referred to myself as a ‘graphic novelist’. And if I do, please come and put me out of my pretentious misery."

Here's a review in the List:"{a} quaint indie sensibility...drives...this tiny gem of a book."

Stateside Adrian checked in with both his neighborhood newspaper the Park Slope Patch as well as NPR's Tell Me More. I'll post the link to audio to the NPR as soon as I have it!

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