A real Strand-up guy: Dan Clowes in New York

Alright, so I'm almost two weeks late in posting these photos from Dan Clowes' talk at the Strand in New York, hosted by David Hajdu, acclaimed author of The 10-Cent Plague. But so what? This blog post is just an excuse to rave about how funny and charming Clowes is, as one might have guessed after reading interviews like this, this, or this.

Clowes' quick-as-a-whip witticisms never seemed flippant or facetious; in fact, the man behind the grumpiest character to hit bookstores this year was tremendously generous and patient with his fans.

In attendance, some local luminaries...

Oakland and Chicago take note, you will have your chance to ask Dan which Ghost World character he REALLY identifies with June 3rd at Diesel in Oakland, June 12th at Quimby's in Chicage, and June 13th at Chicago's Printer's Row festival.

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