Introducing R. Sikoryak's ... MASTERPIECE COMICS

If you weren't one of the lucky ones to not only score a ticket to San Diego Comic-con but then also to score a copy of R. Sikoryak's MASTERPIECE COMICS before it sold out, then have no fear, as the book hits stores on September 1st.

And the good news is that the book has already gone back to press before its release! Hey, people have good taste. Like the New Yorker's Book Bench today, or Publishers Weekly or Booklist, both of whom have given starred reviews. There is an interview with Bob on the Crosshatch and comics critic Douglas Wolk spotlighted it in Rolling Stone.

And I just got done finalizing his tour for this Fall, so mark your calendar...

09/13/09 BROOKLYN Brooklyn Book Fair
09/24/09 NYC The Strand Official Launch with R.O. Blechman
09/26 & 27/09 BETHESDA SPX
10/11/09 PORTLAND Wordstock
10/17 & 18/09 SAN FRANCISCO APE
11/14 & 15/09 MIAMI Miami Book Fair

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