In stores today: WHITE CUBE by Brecht Vandenbroucke

Brightening my day/week/winter is Brecht Vandenbroucke's White Cube, in stores now! White Cube is wordlessly clever and lushly painted in beautiful bright colours; an art book that pokes fun at the art world. The book follows a pair of pink-faced twins as they visit galleries and attempt to understand the confusing, somewhat smug world of contemporary art. Their misadventures have them encountering works by artists ranging from Picasso to Marina Abramović, and wreaking havoc both online and outdoors. Their reactions to celebrated pieces of art are often funny, and reflect the things one thinks but doesn't say in a museum setting.

Here they are enjoying their new Warhol and not-quite enjoying a noise show,

teasing a neighbourhood boy that reappears several times throughout the book,

giving Guernica a fresh coat of paint,

and wandering through a gallery amongst the unsuspecting.

Get out to your local book store and pick up a copy of White Cube- I guarantee you will Like* it ;-)


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